
7 July 2021

MediaStore in Flutter

#flutter #MediaStore #mobile

This article will guide you through the process of creating a simple flutter app that allows you to draw on a canvas. Then we will add the ability for this app to save those images to external storage volume using MediaStore API which allows to retrieve and update media files. Files saved this way are discoverable e.g. by system file explorer and will survive in case your app gets uninstalled. MediaStore API was added in API level 1 which makes it available in all Android devices!

Bartosz Biernacki
14 April 2021

How To Write a Simple Flutter QR Code Scanner App

#flutter #mobile

In this article you will learn how to write a simple iOS and Android app which: scans QR codes witch a phone camera, if scanned data is a link it opens it in a browser, otherwise it displays it in a dialog. If you are new to Flutter and you have never built nor created an application using Flutter, please get familiar with Get started section on the official website before continuing.

Stefan Pająk Stefan Pająk
22 April 2020

How To Write a Simple Downloading App With Flutter

#downloading files #flutter #mobile

If you are new to Flutter and you have never built nor created an application using Flutter, please get familiar with Get started section on the official website before continuing.

Michał Lot Michał Lot
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