Practical Advice On How To Write A Good Resume
27 January 2021

Probably everyone has already sent more than one resume in their lives. However, the trick is to write them in such a way that we get the recruiter’s attention. How you build your Curriculum Vitae and what information you include, has a huge impact on the decision the recruiter makes when sees your CV for the first time. Of course, you can choose from various ready-made patterns on the Internet, but it is easy to forget about a few important issues that can be the reason why the resume was quickly rejected. I’m sure no one wants that. Remember that recruiters usually receive a large number of applications. Therefore, in order for a resume to pass the first stage of recruitment, it must be complete.
I bet you usually write your resume on the spur of the moment. Or you just update it for the needs of a new offer that interests you. However, it is worth spending a little more time on it. A properly constructed resume is the key to find your dream job.
When I go through the resumes of candidates in Evertop, I often encounter CVs missing basic information. That’s why I decided to compile a short guide on how to create a good resume. If you are interested in working in our team, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with our current job offers:

Read also: How Does Evertop’s Recruitment Process Work

Read also: How Does Evertop Onboarding Process Work
So what should your CV include? Get tips on how to write a good CV step by step.
1. Personal and contact details
At the beginning, start with personal and contact details such as: name, phone number and e-mail address, which are necessary for further verification. Pay attention to the content of your e-mail address – if there are any incorrect words in it which may negatively affect the reception of your person. Ideally, the e-mail should consist of your first and last name. If you have your profile on LinkedIn, it is also worth enclosing a link to it.
In the header, add the position you are applying for. Ideally, this should be the exact name contained in the job advertisement. This, of course means you won’t create one overall resume that you can distribute in bulk. However, I guarantee that thanks to this, you will gain a plus in the eyes of the recruiter, because this way you will show him that you care about this particular job. I advise against applying for several positions at one company at the same time, because it makes the presented skills less reliable.
Of course, no one needs a full home address. However, it is important that you include the current city in which you live. Often, candidates assume that they can work 100% remotely, but not all companies offer such conditions. And often such information is crucial for the employer, so entering the city will certainly improve the recruitment process.
Summing up, the required personal data are: name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number, place of residence.
2. “About me” section
It is worth adding a few words about yourself, where you will briefly explain why you are applying for a given position. Write down what you are doing and what skills you have. Remember that soft skills are as important as hard skills, so mention your character features here, which you think are valuable on this job position. You can write about your interests here, but it’s better to list particularly those that are to some extent related to the position you are applying for. (e.g. reading books in this field, personal development in this field, etc.) Refer to the requirements contained in the ad.
List the most important competences in hard skills. Add also the level of advancement of each skill.
3. Profile picture
This is not a required element, but it is always worth adding, because the CV does not seem so empty then and is also eye-catching. The photo should be professional but I don’t mean directly that it should be taken by a professional photographer, it’s rather the way you present yourself. Unfortunately, there are still such CVs in which there are photos from holidays with a partner or (horror of horror!) Selfie in the mirror – which is never taken seriously.
4. Professional experience – The principle of reverse chronology
The current or last job should be at the top of your work experience. And below – the companies you worked for before. This will make your CV much easier to read. For each company, add the employment period, the name of the position and briefly describe the tasks for which you were responsible in each job. Try to write the facts only.
5. Education
You do not need to list all the schools you have attended here. List only the most important ones or those that may be relevant to the employer. Just don’t forget to add the years of study, name of the university / school, field of study and the title you obtained. If you have additionally completed the courses related to the job you are applying for, be sure to mention them.
6. Clause on the protection of personal data
What is extremely important in the GDPR era, which many people often forget, is the consent to the processing of personal data. It is not uncommon for companies to suggest adding the rule that has the company’s name in it. It is also worth paying attention to.
7. The graphic layer – why is it so important?
You don’t have to be a graphic designer to create an eye-catching and readable CV. There are tons of free templates to download in the Internet, all you need to do is upload your information. Maintaining a transparent form is extremely important. This will keep the recruiter for longer, and this in turn can help to make a decision. Rather than a CV that is chaotically packed and disordered. The first impression is the most important, so it’s worth putting more effort there.
Tip: If you want to get another plus, you can use color scheme that the company identifies with.
8. File format and name
Before you save the file, check carefully if you have any errors in it. Even small misprints can suggest to the recruiter that you are not doing your job accurately. It is worth including all information on one A4 page, thanks to which the CV will be more legible, besides, recruiters usually do not have time to read a few pages of reading.
Finally, save the file in PDF format, the document will behave exactly as it should and no one will be able to make changes to it. Be also sure to name the file appropriately, that includes your first name, last name, and the job title you are applying for.
You already know how to write a good CV that will attract the recruiter’s attention. My tips may seem insignificant, but remember that the essence is in the details. This is why it is important to adapt your CV to a specific offer. Hopefully, with this guide you will get more invitations for an interview and get your dream job.
So… Let’s do it! 😉